Could you go an entire day without telling a lie? Before you answer, this includes no white lies or being able to bend the truth? For me, it would be very difficult and I’d feel horrible if I hurt someone’s feelings. I'm not sure, how a people pleaser stops pleasing for 24 hours?

Last weekend we saw the movie The Invention of Lying with Ricky Gervais and Jennifer Gardner. And today, I'm honestly still thinking about the movie. How would I rate the movie? It was an interesting concept, but the movie was nothing to write home about. It did remind me, however, that we are all bunch of liars!

When someone asks me about my day, have I ever responded honestly? For example did I say, “Today I had a tough day because I only slept for a couple of hours, I forget to pay my cell phone bill and I’m down to my last pair of underwear."
Instead my usual response is, “I had a good day and you?”
And what if someone wanted your honest opinion about a family member. “Isn’t Aunt Kathy just wonderful?” Since you’re no longer allowed to flower the truth, you have to respond bluntly and say, “Actually, Auntie Kathy and I clash and have never seemed to get along.”

For my speeches my father and I would sit together and brainstorm ideas. One of my winning speeches, (no lie) was about ‘what would it be like if you got caught in a Television? After seeing the movie, I called my father and told him it was just like one of our speeches.
The truth can hurt, but isn’t it better to be honest and not to lie? Do you think you could get through a day telling the absolute truth to everyone? Really, let's start now...
I think that everyday has a bit of a lie... I mean thats why we have filters. If we told the full, undisclosed truth all the time, people may hate us, hahah xxxoo
Well, I think people tell white lies most of the time...whether intentional or unintentional....sometimes you tell a lie cos the truth might hurt someone...hmmm, this is really food for thought!
I think we do tell white lies to be kind or because often, people do not want to hear the truth. They don't have time for it, or don't want to make time. There is telling the truth in kindness and being hurtful or blunt. Too many people mistake honesty for the free ticket to rudeness and it's just not that way.
Oh Laura I just love every topic you write about. You have the best blog ever! :-D
Dollface: So true. But what if we all had to tell the truth the rules of life change. Hmmm food for thought sweetie.
Sher: Thanx for your comment and it has rocked my mind as well.
Char: True, true. Being hurtful can be so blunt!
~K: Thank you SO much and thank you for the support.
Sometimes I will lie if someone tries to get some gossip out of me that they shouldn't really be concerned with.
Good thought provoking post. White lies are everyday life strategies. I mean, when the store clerk asks "how are you today" can you imagine - saying "well, I'm just crap. I'm PMSing, my checking account is overdrawn and my kids in JAIL again... " LOL.. no, I think they just want to hear "Fine, and you?"
Unfortunately lying (or perhaps not telling the complete truth or "just agreeing" with the client who gives us our jobs is a daily occurrence and why I feel as though I am surrounded by lairs (although I have to at time). I'm sure it's like that many places, I mean I wonder what kind of interaction we would all have if ever single person told the 100% truth. I think customer service would go out the window, but hopefully others would actually be held accountable more often when needed. Thanks so much for the question, I love it! Also, thanks for the heads up about the movie. I'll wait until I can get it on NetFlix now.
For me, the concept of truth is deeper than what you might say in response to "how are you?" Those things are superficialities that mean nothing in the long run. I haven't seen the movie, but I imagine it starts with these superficialities and builds it into a web of something you can't get out of....and that's always the danger with superficialities, isn't it?
Everybody lies at some point in their lifetime. Many people lie every single day of the week. We might tell big and bold lies or little white lies. None of us are truth tellers all the time.
Im not a liar but sommmmmetimes little white lies are ok, doncha think? As long as they arent harmful or hurtful :)
White lies are just an excuse to lie. I love this post! You rock x
Great post. Very insightful and true!
believe it or not, 3 days in and i'm still debating with myself over that post.
can't decide.
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