Thursday, July 1, 2010

Help I have Housewife Syndrome!

Last week we were in Macy’s using some of our gift cards during one of their sales. We were missing some gifts off of our wedding registry and Honey and I walked around the mass of items covering the sales floor. Sheets, wine glasses, spatulas, napkin holders, pillows, towels all lay in front of us. I felt like we were on a shopping spree. And suddenly I realized that I, Laura, have housewife syndrome.

Where did that come from sweetie?

Honestly I've been shocked by my new pull of wanting to nest and create a home. A couple of years ago I was the independent single girl living in San Francisco who cared mostly about eating out at new restaurants, taking yoga classes, traveling on weekends and checking out S.F. boutiques.

Today I'm married and thinking about saving money, paying off debt, getting new frames for wedding pictures and completing our Lenox china set. I find myself wondering how to make ice cream from scratch. And strangely I have enough wedding present kitchen gadgets to make that happen.

I feel proud of what Honey and I have done and where we are in our lives. Marriage does feel different to me. We have our own secret that has been bonded with rings.
Wedding planning was stressful and difficult. There was a lot to do with balancing things and yet I wouldn’t have changed any of it for the outcome of us being happy as well as our friends and family.

But what is this sudden addiction to cooking and wanting new towels without the stress of wedding planning?

I've always had an addiction to Walgreens for the new products and deals. Are you telling me that now I will be addicted to house products? Watch out Tupperware parties here I come. If only I could quit my job!

Please tell me if you think I have housewife syndrome? Is there a simple cure?


Kelly@TearingUpHouses said...

I know what you mean about marriage feeling different. I remember thinking that it was the exact same thing as living together -- when I was single. Now, I definitely don't think it is!


Roz said...

Hi Laura, Thanks for stopping by today....were you in Italy for your honeymoon or anniversary? I'm sure it was wonderful! Enjoy your domestic dreaming! Ciao, Roz (aka Bella)

Bella said...

Thanks for visiting my Blog and your sweet comments.


Laura said...

Kelly@TearingUpHouses: Thanx sweetie for your comment and I totally agree. And now that I am talking about it more and more about marriage people are coming out of the woodwork :)

Laura said...

bella: Honeymoon yup just got back and Italy is truly a magical place. Love your blog and off to read more!

Laura said...

Bella: You are most welcome and thank you for becoming my newest follower.

Sweetpaintedlady said...

ohh you have it bad, thank you dropping by my blog I love visitors. I found that my housewife syndrome got worse when we purchased our first home ( well thats my excuse) as for comment on being sisters I just read your profile and realised we are very alike as I'm in early childhood teacher with a passion for under 2 development....go figure

Miles Of Style said...

haha i think i've been suffering from the housewife syndrome since a while now.

thanks for stopping by my blog y'day. i really enjoyed visiting yours and hope to see you soon!


Lyssabeth's Wedding Officiants said...

It makes sense that you're feeling that way. New life, new projects, new feelings. How fun is that! Your values and preferences have morphed to reflect your new role. I wouldn't call it Housewife Syndrome as much as Maturity (well, except for the Lennox China--that is definitely Housewifey!).

It's funny how we gracefully transition into the married role without really thinking about it much. Sometimes it's only in hindsight that we realize how much we have changed for the better.

Laura said...

Rosina Lee: love your blog sweetie and thank you for your comments. Ah we have so much in common so excited to read more!

Laura said...

Persis Shah: Thanx sweetie and you have a great weekend!

Laura said...

Lyssabeth's Wedding Officiant: What wonderful and perfect advice and I find myself nodding with every sentence. Morphing is an amazing thing when you are in the moment. Have a great weekend!

rachaelgking said...

Hahaha! Adorable. Embrace it! You get to wear such cute Betty Draper dresses... ;-)

Natasha in Oz said...

I don't think there is a cure-sorry! You'd better just go with the flow and do let me know when you have that tupperware party! I love the stuff!

Best wishes for a happy 4th of July,