Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Today's the day I start my book!

Where would you start to write a book? Would you start writing the beginning, middle or end? Or would you create chapters and then work on a chapter that speaks to you?

Throughout my life, I've had friends and family suggest that I write a book. And it seems like a natural thing for me to do because of my manic depression upbringing. Another reason is because I love to help and reach out to people.

I wondered, what's stopping me from sitting down and writing the book that is inside of me? Where does the writer's block come from? Is there room on the bookshelves for another book?

And then it happened...

I interviewed an amazing published writer who made writing a book seem possible to me. I gave her my reasons for not writing and she shot each one down. She encouraged me to use my voice and her advice to me was to start writing.

Just start ...
So today is the day that I will be at my local coffee shop 'starting' to write a book about my upbringing with manic depression in a warm, sarcastic and funny way. I want to recap my story in a way that shows no matter what happens in life, hope is still around the corner. Most people ask me, after hearing my story, how I kept smiling? I simply answered, that I choose to smile.

Today I'll start by writing one chapter and take it from there... nice and easy. Should I really take the book plunge? Tell me what topic would you write your first book on?


. said...

oh wow, congrats on starting your book!! =)

Char said...

congratulations!! sounds like a good project to start and one that could help people.

I'm not sure if I have a story to tell.

Fifi Flowers said...

I would start by asking Fifi Flowers to design the COVER of the book... LOL!!! ;)
Good Luck with your book writing!
Ever been to the South of France? If so, how about a guest post about it?

Winniehill's said...

Good luck with your book!

Laura said...

Lily G: Thanx honey.

Char: You do I promise!

Kym said...

The best of luck for your writing! This is incredibly inspiring. :)

nicole mountz said...

that's awesome that you're starting to write this. i really look forward to seeing the journey of writing a book! oh gosh i wouldnt know where to start if i ever wrote a book. i'm such a sap that i'd love to write a love story of sorts

Sara said...

thank you for inspiring me to start writing my own book :)

MS said...

Wow, congrats on writing your book.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I think that is amazing! I would love to do the same. Sigh. You are an inspiration. : )

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Yes yes yes PLEEEEZE write you rbook. The more I hear about it, the more inspired I'll be to write/finish/burn-and-start-over on mine.

- Margaret

bridechic said...

This is a pretty loaded subject. I've written a fictional piece and completed it only to realize books really do need to go through a revision process. While it is still in progress, I've had to put it aside to concentrate on Bride Chic and my wedding gown design biz.
To me, there's nothing as absorbing and intense as days and nights spent writing-- so I do envy your journey. You'll discover so many thing along the way. Thus, non-fiction is an easier road . . .

mama speak said...

congrats on making your decision to start, but haven't you already started? Aren't your posts here on the topic a launching pad? ;-)

I would just start writing (like maybe on a blog, hmmm....), later I'd put together an outline on how I wanted it to flow and that would create more direction, but initially I'd just start writing. :-)

Theresa said...

Congrats... :) You inspired me to start writing again.

Srishti said...

All the Bestttt!!
Can't WAIT to read your book. =)

My first book? Alien Invasion, definitely. ;)

Kitty said...

Laura, thanks for coming by Organic Orgy. I really dig your blog, and I hope you will have a great experience writing your book. Just show up at the page and let writing do writing. Keep us posted! Peace, kitty

a.love said...

So you just spoke to my lil' heart!! I guess the answer is JUST START WRITING..although it does seem so daunting!

Angie Muresan said...

Good for you! There is always room for one more book on the bookshelf. Good luck and keep on smiling! :)

Crystal said...

Hello there. I found your blog from a comment you left on my friend's blog. I like this post. I am a writer and I plan on publishing a book someday as well. I am not a novel writer though--the longevity and commitment of a project like that scares me. So, my plan is to write a collection of short stories, then organize them in chronological format. It'll be nonfiction about my life. I have been jotting down notes and randomly compiling the stories. One of them was chosen to be published in a feminist magazine! Anyway, thanks for the fun post.