Saturday, April 17, 2010

Inspirational Weekend Quote

What a wonderful and challenging inspirational weekend quote! Would you feel braver to try new things if you knew you could never fail or would you not push yourself further? Never being able to fail is such an interesting concept. How would you learn from your mistakes?

I appreciate trying and sometimes failing as that's my way of growing. And never failing at school, at relationships, with money, friendships and parenting could present new issues. How would any of us stand out in the crowd? Think outside of the box if everything we tried was successful.

Maybe we would find another way...

Another way to measure our successes would be to set a different bar without failure. Take this inspirational weekend quote away with you and let me know what you would you do without ever failing?


The Simply Luxurious Life said...

I especially love this quote because ultimately, at the root of why we don't try something, is because we fear failing. This statement also forces you to be honest with yourself, "Is this really something I want? Or am I just talk?"
Love your quotes each week. I always look forward to them. Have a lovely weekend. =)

Char said...

that same sign hangs on my wall at work

Leah said...

I always believe that failing makes me stronger and more wiser so I am not afraid to fail. Happy weekend! xoxo

The Simply Luxurious Life said...

Laura, I couldn't help myself. You've been included this week on Cups of Tea. Lovely inspiration. I hope your weekend is going well. =)