Thank you Brandi for guest posting today and I am proud to call you a blogging friend. I love your pictures, honesty and pictures on your blog. And I also love getting your comments and feedback. We are ready for you to share your bliss with us. Take it away Brandi!~
Hi everyone! I’m Brandi from
Not Your Average Ordinary and I’m so honored to be guest posting for Laura while she’s off on her honeymoon. I thought I’d tell you all a little about my love story.
My boyfriend M and I met in Astrophysics class. (Yes, we are that geeky.) He was working on his Masters in teaching; I was finishing up a second Bachelors degree.

I never expected to fall in love. At that point in my life, I had begun to believe that “being in love” with someone was something I’d only know in movies and books. I thought it was one giant mass hallucination. M proved me so wrong.

We’re currently in a long distance relationship: he’s on the East Coast, I’m on the West Coast. There’s 2,776 miles between us. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.

Last August, we drove that distance together, and I discovered not only America but how much he had changed me. I learned that even though what you do in your life is important, who you do it with means so very much.
What lessons has love taught you?
{first image from the is found photography, second image from flickr user avec fleur, third image via weheartit}
oh wow... I need more time to think about this one!
This was a good one.
what a cute bloggy idea!
sweet read! brandi's stories always say so much. love has taught me that it has the ability to transcend | inspire | be reinvented | transform | multiply | heal | become tangible.
That was truley beautiful! T and I were long distance for 2 1/2 years and it was worth every second. It made us a stronger couple, we appricaite the little things more.
I wish you and M the best love you can give each other.
xx Kirby
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