When you're with the right person, have the right friendship or are in the correct work situation pieces of life should fall into place. One should feel supported and cared for.
Life is hard enough, so you should have the correct people in your life to fight with and beside.
When I think back about my friendships or relationships that haven't worked, I now understand that you have to fight for what you want together. My father has always told me, 'When I get older, I will be able to count on one hand my true friends in life." As a teenager, I would fight him on this statement. But I know now that he is right. I would rather fight for the right people in my life and let the other ones go.
Life is to0 short...
"You cannot love a thing without wanting to fight for it," is not only my inspirational weekend quote, but also my life motto. Now I am off today sweetie, to find a shop that can turn this quote into a T-shirt. What quote would you put on your T-shirt?
agree! I love inspirational posts...
they are always my fave... reading something that pumps you up!
Love your message today...and love your blog! Thank you for leaving a comment on mine..off to read some more of yours. xo
so very true!
My tee shirt quote would be....M is for Mom NOT Maid.
beautiful quote. would make a great Tshirt
Is this true or what? My parents don't like my best friend. In high school and my first year in college, I was forbidden to have anything to do with her. But I had to fight for her, because I felt like I had to protect her from their unwillingness to listen. She's my sister, and my parents have these accumulated assumptions about her that aren't true. And it breaks my heart that she can't be understood by them because they're so close-minded. And I've fought to keep her in my life time and again, and to a certain degree, I'm still fighting. But then, I always feel like I'm fighting my parents about something...
Party Box Design: Happy to help pump up your Saturday sweetie!
koralee: So glad you stopped by and thanx for your comment lovely!
Char: Thanx sweetie!
I love your blog more and more every time I come by....
GK Chesterton was a genius. wonderful quote for a t-shirt, indeed. my quote would be:
"I'm with stupid ... oh wait! I'm by myself."
i might just have to TM that bad boy. -- Jg.
great quote! so true!
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