This week I went to dinner with one my close girlfriends and I noticed how run down she was. She's balancing school, work, moving and family. I found myself giving her the advice to take a 'Me' day. One day where you do one thing for yourself.
A bath, movie, pedicure, writing, yoga, cooking....
Once a month she could schedule time for herself. Imagine how happy she would be when she sees the schedule reminder pop up and it says, "Remember your me day."
And letting go and staying open is something that I have been telling myself to do all week.
I have felt my wall of the fear of the unknown creep in and I keep repeating stay open Laura ...please stay open.
And so I choose to stay calm, write down my feelings on a blank piece of paper and take a 'me" day. How does this inspirational weekend quote speak to you? What do you do when you start to feel closed off? Have a great weekend lovelies!
Sounds really good to me, except I have a hubby who's favorite thing is to interrupt whatever I'm doing with a get me this, get me that, I'm hungry. He doesn't believe in "me" time.
Love & Prayers,
Thanks! I need to be reminded of that... I love reading a magazine while soaking in a hot bath. One of my favorites!
Taking care of myself ? That's exactly what I did today. It's a rainy day in Paris and a cocooning day was exactly what I needed !
Letting go and staying open is something we can and should do through our whole life.
It is SO hard to let go of everything and "just be" for a little while, but so necessary at the same time! I hope your friend finds that balance and heeds your advice!
I just be too... Hope you are having a fabulous weekend. xoxo
PJ: LOl PJ...can you do these things while wearing headphones? Have a great day!
Lindsay [Bella Cene']: I love this 'me' thing. I'm off to copy you xoxo
French lover? Tres bien lovely. Ohhh tell Paris I miss her OK?
Artist: Thanx for the reminder and let's try to every day!
Beth P.: I'm off to call her now aand will let you know xoxo Thanx for your comment!
I love finding quotes the speak to me - this was a beautiful one! Nice find!
Wow, this is something I really needed to hear ~ funny how that works! Your words are an encouragement. I am going to schedule a me day and make this an ongoing appointment! :)
Stay open Laura!
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